mini-icona Hôtel de la Tour

Alloggiamenti, affitti , Hotel Eure

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il vostro itinerario
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Hôtel de la Tour

NAUDIN 41 quai Foch 27340 Pont-de-l'Arche (Eure)
Tel : 02 35 23 00 99  - Fax : 02 35 23 46 22
Guardare il sito Norman house of 18th century along the river backed on to the remparts.
Access A13 exit n°20
8 kms from Rouen-Boos airport
18 kms from Rouen
110 kms from Paris
80 kms from Deauville
50 kms from Giverny
8 kms from Rouen-Boos airport
5 kms from Pose Nautic Activities Center and Golf (18 holes)
2 kms from Abbey of Bonport

  • **TPictos-Hébergement**
  • Parcheggio
  • Parcheggio Pullman
  • **TPictos-Télévision**
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Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico Eure é gratuito