
Te bezoeken erfgoed, Steden en dorpjes in de Picardie

    Cities and Villages
    In the bend of a street or an alley, discover in the course of your walks the secrets of cities and villages of our regions. Remarkable facades, places, houses of times and many other hidden treasures, here is which treasures offer themselves to you. Picturesque villages of countrysides in the big metropolises, take time to promenade and to appreciate.
2 in de Picardie.
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Steden en dorpjes in Crécy-en-Ponthieu

Autour de Crecy en Ponthieu (Picardie,Somme) - Photos de Stephane Bouilland

Bouilland Rue du general Leclerc - Marcheville 80150 Crécy-en-Ponthieu (Somme)
Tel : 03 21 89 31 99
Photos taken arround Crecy en Ponthieu (Somme,Picardy) in the north of France by Stephane Bouilland. You'll find panoramas of our region, landscapes and pictures of annimals in our well-known forest.
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Steden en dorpjes in Guise

Familistère Godin 02120 Guise (Aisne)
Guise was the place where, in the 19th century, a wealthy and forward-looking industrialist founded the incredible “Workers’ Paradise” or “People’s Palace” that is the “Godin ...
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